Vortex Shedding Articles | Meca Enterprises


Steel Stack Deflection

Steel Stack Deflection

When designing a stack should steel stack deflection be a concern?  It's a good question and one that comes up frequently,  The design standards give some guidance, but the standards vary in how they handle steel stack deflection and there is some room for...

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Anchor Bolt Pretension

Anchor Bolt Pretension

There is nothing simple about recommending anchor bolt pretension, ask ten engineers and you could get eleven different recommendations.  Meca has done all of the research in order to try to resolve this topic once and for all...at least until the next anchor bolt...

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Add Some Guy Wires

Add Some Guy Wires

When and why should I use guy wires on a stack? When a stack has a vortex shedding problem there can be many factors that determine which solutions are the best.  Guy wires aren't always the most conventional solution, but its always an option to consider.How do Guy...

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Slow Down

Slow Down

I'll bet "Slow Down" isn't an expression you hear much in your business.  I dream of a day when a customer tells me, "Slow down, we really don't care when you finish your design."  I can't get you more time on your deadline, but I can tell you one instance that...

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I Feel the Need, the Need for Speed

I Feel the Need, the Need for Speed

In my humble opinion, the Movie Top Gun is one of the best movies of all time.   One of the best parts is when Tom Cruise says "I feel the need, the need for speed".  It's not just a great line, it also applies to many stack designs.  More speed (critical wind speed)...

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How to Determine Damping

How to Determine Damping

We can all grasp the physical attributes of a stack such as the height, weight, diameters, etc.; however, what is the stack's structural damping?  Does MecaStack estimate the damping of the stack?  Is there any harm in just arbitrarily changing the damping...

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